Marathon Blog – Day 1

Hello to all from my individual hell…I mean social isolation!

Once again, it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but beginning today I will be sharing content daily. Yes, daily! (minus weekends). You see, all this time at home has allowed me to finish a first draft of a book and several rounds of self-editing much quicker than I had anticipated. Yesterday morning, I sent the manuscript (a quirky and sexy women’s fiction/romcom crossover about…NO SPOILERS*) to my critique partner for her feedback. She’s busier than usual with her kids at home all day and I’m not sure when I’ll have it back. This book has been the best distraction—even better than television—during this difficult time and with it temporarily out of my hands, I’m afraid the isolation will wreak havoc on my mental state. Some people like breaks from writing—days, weeks, months—after completing a draft to refresh. Not me, I need to be constantly working on something creative…something beyond the other “staples” in my life (day job, exercise, reading and television). I’m not ready to start plotting a new novel, and since I’ve neglected my blog for so many months, it’s the perfect time to revive it.

I’m not promising epic journal entries. The truth is, I’m not sure what sort of content I’ll be providing. It will most likely be personal observations regarding my experience being at home all these weeks. Stay tuned every day and you can see for yourself. Any suggestions or requests are welcome, just leave them in the comments! Please comment anyway and let me know you’re here. I’ve missed you and apologize for being away so long. It became too hard to maintain my blog while keeping up with my writing, a full-time job, a social life, and all the mundane aspects of life. With my social life now reduced to Zoom video calls and Facetimes, my newest book in the process of being ripped to shreds (in the best way possible) by my critique partner, and a looming sense of loneliness in general, I’m happy to fit the blog back into my schedule.

Until tomorrow, stay safe, healthy, and at home if your state requires it (unless you’re an essential worker in which case, THANK YOU)!

*Five ways to describe my new book without giving it away: fish out of water, Hallmark obsessed, journalist, real estate development, small town vs. big city.


  1. lilyivey on May 6, 2020 at 10:33 am

    I’m so glad you are back! I love your blog.

  2. Lindsey Lowrimore on May 6, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    So happy to see a new blog post from you, and looking forward to more! And I’m SO EXCITED to hear about your new draft! I am eagerly awaiting a new book from you. 😀

    I hope you’re staying well during this time! I can totally relate to the loneliness of self-isolating.

    • meredithgschorr on May 6, 2020 at 5:20 pm

      Hi there! I’m so glad you’re looking forward to a new book from me. I’m working so hard to get you one soon 🙂

      I’m sorry you are lonely too. It sucks, right? Well, I will do my part to at least keep you busy with my blogs over the next couple of weeks. Stay safe and sane, my friend!! XOXO.

  3. Mary Rowen on June 4, 2020 at 4:29 pm

    Hi Meredith, I’ve actually been meaning to respond to your May 6th post since, well, May 6th. But like everyone else, I’ve been juggling a bunch of stuff and, of course, the news has been non-stop. But your note on my blog today reminded me to check back with yours. I’m so happy to know you’ve been writing during the pandemic, and huge congrats on getting a draft of a new novel to your writing partner. Also, congrats on getting back to blogging. I’m trying to do the same 🙂 Stay safe and well. XO

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