my hair through the ages

I spent three and a half hours at the beauty salon today getting my hair cut and highlighted. I have a lot of difficulty sitting still for more than an hour at a time (or perhaps it’s a slight case of ADD) but thanks to wine and The Rosie Project, I managed to get through the day without losing my sanity and, more importantly, a stylist. Saki has been doing my hair for over a decade and it’s been about a decade since my hair started looking good. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

While I was sitting in the chair, I reflected on my hair styles of years gone by and I thought it might be fun (and a little bit humiliating) to share some of them with you.  At the outset, I confess that with a few exceptions, I have not been all that adventurous with my hair. Once I was old enough to demand that my mother stop whispering, “cut it short” in the stylist’s ear without my knowledge, I always kept my hair long. The most common variant was “bangs” or “no bangs.”

Classic "Pebbles" - cute, right?

Classic “Pebbles” – cute, right?

Long and tangled...

Long and tangled…

"The little boy" cut Short hair cut after my mom lost patience combing through my knots

“The little boy” Short hair cut after my mom lost patience combing through my knots

Dorothy Hamill

Dorothy Hamill

Farah Fawcett feathers (attempted but did not quite succeed)

Farah Fawcett feathers (attempted but did not quite succeed)

High School – I became a teenager in the mid 1980s, but unlike most of my peers, I never had big hair

High School – I became a teenager in the mid 1980s, but unlike most of my peers, I never had big hair


college: bangs

college: bangs

college: no bangs

college: no bangs

early twenties

early twenties

Mid twenties - the "blonde" year... I didn't have more fun,

Mid twenties – the “blonde” year… I didn’t have more fun,

late twenties. Between the tiny bangs and the blonde thing, the twenties were my worst hair decade (so far).

late twenties. Between the tiny bangs and the blonde thing, the twenties were my worst hair decade (so far).


my 30th birthday party - still with the tiny bangs...

my 30th birthday party – still with the tiny bangs…


Enter good hair (thanks to Saki)...

Enter good hair (thanks to Saki)…

Blow-out for first BookBuzz.

Blow-out for first BookBuzz.

Selfie taken today after hair cut. A bit short but healthy.

Selfie taken today after hair cut. A bit short but healthy.


Thanks for taking a walk down memory lane with me. I think I’m proof that the twenties are not necessarily the best decade – at least in terms of appearance :).


  1. Patricia Mann on April 20, 2014 at 9:49 pm

    What a fun idea, Meredith! I love this! I was laughing as I looked at each picture (with you not at you 😀) because I have so many that are similar. I swear I have almost the exact same Dorothy Hamil cut with Brownie uniform photo somewhere. I’ll send it to you if I find it! You look beautiful in all the pictures, really, and styles change so much that what mortifies us now truly was “all the rage” in its day. But I must agree, the last 3 styles are my favorite. Stick with what you’ve got going on now, it’s simply gawgeous, dahling!

    • meredithgschorr on April 21, 2014 at 8:30 am

      Glad you liked it, Patricia! I would love to see the pic of you in your Brownie uniform 🙂

  2. eleanorparkersapia on April 21, 2014 at 11:49 am

    My sister Elaine loves to post old photos and I usually laugh and cringe at our hair style choices of the past! Fun blog, Meri! I love your new look 🙂

    • meredithgschorr on April 21, 2014 at 5:49 pm

      Thanks, Ellie! I’ve been having so much fun with old photos every since “Throwback Thursday” became big. My sisters and I crack up 🙂

  3. chicklitplus on April 21, 2014 at 11:57 am

    Love this post Meredith! Some of my hairstyles have been pretty wonky. The crimped hair look? Yeah, rocked that quite a bit during my freshman year of college LOL!

    • meredithgschorr on April 21, 2014 at 5:51 pm

      Oh, I loved the crimped look! Did you use an iron? My sister would put my wet hair into 20-50 little braids before bed and then take them out when I woke up. So much fun. That was the old-fashioned way to do it 🙂

  4. Mandie on April 21, 2014 at 3:20 pm

    I love this! Although, I think that you should go back to the Dorothy Hamill cut! Tee hee! 😉

  5. Bonnie Trachtenberg on April 22, 2014 at 10:56 am

    What a fun post! I was obsessed with Farrah’s hair but mine was way too straight. 🙂

  6. Glynis Astie on April 22, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    I am with you, Meredith. It has taken me a long time to find my “good” hair. 🙂 I had a VERY scary perm all through high school and some rather unfortunate bangs for many years afterwards. (Although I am rethinking getting updated bangs to cover my nasty wrinkles. Aging is not pretty.) Thank you so much for this delightful post! Loved all of your photos!

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