Pre Super Bowl thoughts from a non-football fan

Yes, I admit it. I don’t like football. I feel bad about this since my biggest client at my day job is the National Football League and I work with some lovely people, but the truth is that I am a sports monogamist—I’m a baseball fan all the way—Go Yankees. Shut up, haters! Okay, so I have confessed that I do not really care for football, but I do enjoy beer, fattening foods, and drinking on Sundays. Years ago, I would join my football-loving friends and go to the bar every Sunday to *watch* football but I realized that, aside from always enjoying spending time with my friends, I wasn’t having a very good time. I couldn’t really contribute to the conversations going on around me, the bar was loud with people screaming at the various games going on, and I would feel almost claustrophobic with nowhere to look but at twenty different television screens displaying all of the various games, none of which I understood. The next day, I would have no idea who won the games and even who played. I would, however, have a hangover from drinking really cheap beer and I would feel guilty about all of the fried food I consumed. And so, this past year, I told my friends that I wasn’t going to join them on Sundays. Instead, I would do other things, like run errands, make plans with my friends who, like me, were not football fans, and I would write. I write a lot on Sundays! Sure, I miss my friends and feel a bit left out when they talk about how much fun they had, but I know that these friends love me and my not taking part in the Sunday-Funday won’t change that.

However, Super Bowl XLVIII takes place on one of my best friend’s birthdays (Happy Birthday, Abbe!) and this best friend is the football fan of all football fans and so I am going to watch the game. (Truth is, my friends told me I was going to watch the Super Bowl with them whether I wanted to or not. And I do want to, the Super Bowl is not just your regular weekly football game. It’s…well, it’s the Super Bowl!) And, if you’re wondering how I know it is Super Bowl XLVIII, no, I didn’t look online, the NFL is my client and I know my stuff!

So, who will I root for, the Denver Broncos or the Seattle Seahawks? The first and most obvious answer is neither: I don’t care. I really don’t. But I know I will enjoy the game more if I have some sort of stake in the conclusion. My friends are all rooting for the Broncos, probably because Peyton Manning is the quarterback. Stop looking shocked that I know this. I don’t live under a rock people!! I, however, am torn. Denver is the home of my oldest sister, her husband, two of my nieces and one of my nephews. On the other hand, Seattle is the home of my publisher, one of my old roommates from college, my ex-boyfriend who treated me really well and who I still have fond feelings for, and one of my best friends, Megan. So who do I choose? Is it a family thing? A matter of friendship? Of writing prosperity? It all comes down to this…the uniforms.  Yes, the uniforms.

I am rooting for the Seattle Sawhawks because, like I told my friends last night, I find the bright blue and green colors of their uniforms to be very festive. And I’m not a fan of horses, especially orange ones. Finally, the horse design of the Broncos logo is one of the most copied logos of the NFL and dealing with these third party pirates causes me grief at work on a regular basis. I know the odds are in favor of the Broncos. Peyton is arguably one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL and the puppies on Jimmy Fallon picked them to win. We’ll see. And I like I said, I really don’t care.

Stay tuned for my next post: favorite moments of the Super Bowl from a non-football fan. I have no idea what these moments will consist of—I might share some of the funny things my drunk friends said/did throughout the evening, maybe I will write about the commercials or the halftime show, and maybe, just maybe, I will actually be able to follow the game itself. Haha.  


  1. Abbe on February 1, 2014 at 5:40 pm

    Thanks for the birthday shout out!! xoxo

    • meredithgschorr on February 1, 2014 at 5:43 pm

      You’re welcome. Thanks for reading my blog and commenting 🙂

  2. Kaley @ Books Etc on February 1, 2014 at 7:29 pm

    Apart from the whole Yankees thing, it’s no wonder we get along. I don’t give two hoots about football. I will, however, be going to a Superbowl party tomorrow (mostly because this means my boyfriend won’t have to call a cab after drinking way too much). A few weeks ago I randomly decided that I would cheer for Seattle. I think it was during the quarterfinals…er…maybe? Not really the point. For some reason, I really love Seattle. I’ve never been but I want to go. Absolutely no idea why. So that put them ahead of all other teams. The clincher though? Those uniforms. I freaking love them. The colours, the logo, everything. I hope you have a good time tomorrow, Meredith, and go Seahawks! 🙂

    • meredithgschorr on February 2, 2014 at 12:45 pm

      So glad I have someone else to root for the Seahawks with me! Even though we won’t be together… Have fun too 🙂

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