So…what else?

I’m excited to report that I am *this close* to submitting my third book to my publisher. The book has now been through many, many rounds of edits and several scenes have been re-written based on my own instincts as well as the comments from my fabulous beta readers and someone I like to call my “pre-editor” (because she was so much more than just a beta reader) and I think it’s ready. To be sure, I sent the revised version back to the pre-editor to get her final comments, but once I get the go-ahead from her and perfect the dreaded query/blurb, it will be good to go. I’m so excited. And nervous…I would tell you the working title of the novel but considering A State of Jane had two other titles before it became A State of Jane, I’m afraid to get too attached to a title. I would also tell you about the novel, but I don’t want to jinx myself in case my publisher hates it. They won’t hate it though!

What else? I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by my “to-do” list lately but I am slowly crossing things off. Unfortunately, each time I cross something off, something else pops up to take its place. I just made an appointment for a physical so that’s one thing to cross off. I’ve been kind of bad about going to “regular” doctors and have just been going to specialists so I think it’s time for a general physical – blood work and all that. I feel fine, so no worries there but I should be taking better care of myself. I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night from dreams (er, nightmares) that I have some sort of terminal illness so I think getting a physical will ease my mind. At least I hope so… Anyone else negligent about going to the “regular” doctor or is it just me?

Hmm, what else? I made an appointment for a Kerotine treatment for my hair now that “frizzy hair” season is on its way. I made an appointment for a bikini wax because, well, I’m very groomed like that! TMI?Β  Lots of appointments have been made.

What else? I wrote my post for Julie Valerie’s blog on combining chick lit with International Grilled Cheese Month, so that’s another item crossed off of the list. Unfortunately, I still need to do so many other things like clean my apartment; buy shoes for that “in between” weather when it is too warm for boots but not warm enough for sandals; write a blog (oh, I’m doing that right now – cool); read the book for my next book club etc. I know some of these things seem like no big deal but my day consists of getting up early and going to the gym, working from 9:30-6:30 (on average), writing, promoting, trying to fit in time with friends, catching up on television (I’m addicted to The Following, The Mindy Project, Revenge and several others), and sleeping (I require more sleep than the average person) and so when I finally have down time, I find it difficult to motivate to do such things like unclog my bathtub, go through my closets and throw out all of the clothes I never wear anymore, do my laundry, get a pedicure, pick up more toilet paper at Duane Reade… Aargh, and just like that, I added about six more things to my to-do list!

Like Paula Abdul said, “One step forward, two steps back.”

What else? Time to get back to work πŸ™‚

Until next time!


  1. StephTheBookworm on April 11, 2013 at 9:48 pm

    I am so very excited for the new book! πŸ˜€

    Sounds like you have a very hectic life at the moment too. I know all about that stress stuff! Glad you are going to the doctor. Sometimes with all the hectic things going on, we forget to take care off ourselves!

  2. meredithgschorr on April 11, 2013 at 9:51 pm

    Thanks Steph! I’m glad you’re excited about the new big – so am I πŸ™‚ And, yes, I feel better already having made the appointment.

  3. meredithgschorr on April 11, 2013 at 9:51 pm

    I meant the new “book” – oops!

  4. Clippings In The Shed... on April 12, 2013 at 12:23 am

    I for one am very excited about your new “big” (we should just call them that) and also am reminded I should have a physical. I don’t even have a GP right now; haven’t been to the doc since my follow-up after I had my last kid…uh…mumble, mumble…years ago… Oh well. When will you share the title for the newbie? Can’t wait!

    • meredithgschorr on April 12, 2013 at 7:10 pm

      I will share the title of my new “big” as soon as I am certain it’s the title I want to go with when I submit. Still pondering… By the way, I didn’t have a GP either. Just found one who took my insurance and this will be my first appointment with her. I hope I like her…

  5. perfectpencommunications on April 12, 2013 at 1:18 pm

    I am so excited about your third book!!!! I’m glad that you’re getting the bikini wax and not me. πŸ™‚ And good for you for getting your butt to the doctor. I just saw The Mindy Project the other night, and now I’m addicted!

    Samantha Stroh Bailey

    • meredithgschorr on April 12, 2013 at 7:10 pm

      Isn’t The Mindy Project hilarious? I really, really like it πŸ™‚

  6. Michelle on April 12, 2013 at 7:37 pm

    Book Three? YAY! Cannot wait to hear all about it, like when I am going to get to read it! πŸ™‚

    You know that I’m addicted to The Following. I want to stop watching because the FBI are such dummies, but I just can’t!

  7. Tracie Banister (@traciebanister) on April 13, 2013 at 1:11 pm

    Great news about Book 3! I’m sure you’ll be announcing a publishing deal for it very soon. πŸ™‚

    UGH Doctors. Not a fan. Fortunately for me, I see my endocrinologist twice a year for my diabetic check-ups and he runs every blood test in the world on me. He even gave me an EKG last time I was there because I was worried about my heart. And he’s the one who discovered how anemic I was when the GP had blown off my swollen ankles as no big deal. Hope you like your new doc and she puts your mind at ease about your health so that you’ll stop having nightmares!

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