New Year’s Resolutions – 2013
As part of my upcoming blog tour for A State of Jane, I wrote a post on Jane Frank’s New Year’s Resolutions. (It has yet to be posted since my tour does not begin until Wednesday, the 2nd. Can you spell N.E.R.V.O.U.S.?) Anyway, I mentioned in my post that rather than bore readers with my own resolutions, I thought it would be more fun to share some of Jane’s. Well, despite the fact that Jane’s resolutions are way more humorous (especially if you have read the book), I have decided to bore you with my own resolutions anyway. Be forewarned that some of them are quite deep. No apologies, that’s just the way I roll
1. Try to follow my heart even if the direction scares me.
2. Try to live in the moment and not worry about what it “means.”
3. Publish 3rd novel.
4. Make good dent in 4th novel (first step, start writing it).
5. Start appreciating being young, because compared to many people, I am still quite young, instead of fretting so much about getting old and stop paying so much attention to the media about how I’m supposed to act, look and feel at my age. I am my own person, not a number, age group or generation.
6. Continue to push myself physically to stay in shape but step back every so often and appreciate the shape I am in. I probably won’t look as good in ten years and would hate to waste more of my life worrying about getting flabby later instead of appreciating being unflabby now!
7. Stop trying to please everyone with both my writing and in general. It’s not possible. Some people won’t like my books. Some people won’t like me. It doesn’t mean I’m not a talented writer and a wonderful person.
8. Don’t let anyone, either intentionally or not, make me feel not good enough or “less than.”
9. Appreciate what I have but don’t lose sight of what I need.
10. Stop getting upset when people don’t behave the way I would under the same circumstances. I cannot control the behavior of other people but I can feel good knowing I might be kinder, wiser, more sensitive and stronger than them. Other times the roles will be reversed.
11. Try not to feel guilty for having thoughts and feelings that I wish I didn’t have. It is what it is, I’m human. Live with it.
12. Read these resolutions often enough so I don’t forget!
Happy New Year one and all!
I’m so with you on so many of these, especially #7. It’s been great getting to “know” you! Looking forward to your next blog posts and books in 2013! xo
Thanks, Francine. No 7 really is a doozy isn’t it?!
These look like some good ones
Thanks – hopefully I can follow them
Great resolutions! They’re a nice reminder we should include personal growth goals and not just professional ones. I agree with Francine, #7 is one to strive for. All the best for 2013.
Thank you Elke. best wishes for a great new year to you as well!
Great resolutions! I especially like #12…too often we forget what we resolved to do in the new year. Have a Happy New Year!
Thanks, Chrissy – happy new year to you as well!
You are a talented writer, a wonderful person and a great friend. I loved this and needed this, especially #7. Thank you, Meredith, for putting it out there! Here’s to an amazing 2013!
Samantha Stroh Bailey
Thank you Sam – I feel the same way about you!
Thanks for sharing, Meredith! I hope you enjoyed the Holidays and have a healthy 2013! It takes a lot of courage to put your goals and aspirations out there for everyone to read. It’s because of you I will post my goals tomorrow, too. The overall essence I feel from you is to be true to yourself no matter what and if I could achieve that, I would be an incredible success! Be well and happy!
Thanks Cindy – I look forward to reading your goals too! Happy New Year!
I love #5 and #7, Meredith! Great post. And you’re absolutely right, the times goes by faster when there’s less of it. I’m so grateful for the wonderful women writers I’ve met this year. Happy 2013! xxx
Happy 2013, Martha
Great resolutions! I might have to steal a few of these… All the best in 2013!
By all means, steal away. Happy New Year!
I love #5 and #7! Excellent post, Meredith. xxx
Thanks Martha!
I think I’m just going to copy/paste all of your resolutions on to my list because they are all fantastic and very applicable! I am a person who frets and has high standards, just like you, which is probably why we get along so well, but we should both cut ourselves some slack in 2013! What was Stuart Smalley’s mantra on SNL? “I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.”
Here’s hoping that you accomplish all of your goals and are good to yourself in 2013, Meredith! I will strive to do the same!
I hope we both accomplish all of our goals and then some. But even if we don’t, we’ll still be good enough and smart enough and people will like us
Happy New Year!
Awesome revolutions! I think you will succeed. Cheers to happiness, blessings and reaching your goals in 2013!
Cheers back at you Heather!
Well done for being so open. Am sure we can all relate to many of these. My resolution is simply to concentrate on the present and the future, as I can’t do anything about the past! Happy New Year, Sooz x
Sounds like a great resolution to me, Sooz! Happy New Year!
A great list, Meredith. Wishing you a New Year filled with love, peace, hope, success, happiness, comfort and many sweet surprises. Love – ColoradoDreamin
Thanks, Jasmine – wishing you all the best in 2013! XOXO
Happy New Year, Meredith! (And thank you for being part of my mutual admiration society–it just wouldn’t be the same without you, ha ha!!) Take care and cheers to 2013!
Cheers Dee!
Great resolutions, Meredith. I commend you for making them — that’s the first step. It’s also great that you looked at ways to keep yourself moving forward personally and professionally.
Thank you, Laura! Happy New Year!
If you ever get tired of fiction writing, you might want to consider writing a self help book, Meredith! So many of your resonating with me – and lots of others too, judging by these comments here. I love your perspective, and you pointed out a lot of things that are so, so important to remember. Thanks for this! And I can’t wait to see what Jane’s resolutions are.
Thank you! I have too much work to do on myself before I aspire to help others but what a nice compliment