Bridal Girl is up for pre-order!

Hi there, My big news this week is that my eighth romantic comedy novel and the third book in my Blogger Girl series, Bridal Girl, is up for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo!  (Publication date is April 24th.) What’s it about? Warning: exposure to the contents of this book while eating or drinking could cause…

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Reading for research

Until recently, I thought of reading as strictly for entertainment value. I’m a self-proclaimed book nerd. I love getting lost in stories, and use every available moment, even while on a street corner waiting to meet a friend, to power up my Kindle. I read on the subway, in line at the grocery store, while…

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Happy Release Day to THE BOYFRIEND SWAP!

Today is the day—a big day—the release day for THE BOYFRIEND SWAP! If you subscribe to both my blog and my newsletter, you already know that, but exciting news should always be shared twice! Haven’t ordered it yet? You can do it here: Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo iBooks From Publishers Weekly: “Schorr mixes and…

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My 10 picks for the new television season

Last week, I posted a question on my Facebook author page about the upcoming television season. I asked what shows folks were most excited about. Since mostly everyone loves watching the small screen (although these days, some home television sets are almost as big as the ones in the theater), it got a great response.…

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Cover reveal – The Boyfriend Swap

They knew swapping boyfriends would change their holiday. They didn’t plan on it changing their lives. “The Holiday” meets “The Proposal” Up for pre-order August, 2017. Releasing 11/7/2017. Goodreads What do you think?  

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If you follow me on social media, you already know the title of my next novel—THE BOYFRIEND SWAP. I actually shared the title by video. I’d never done that before, and it was equal parts exhilarating and scary! Anyway, I’m beyond excited to share this book with you when it’s released by Henery Press on…

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where I’m at from A-Z (2/2017 version)

I haven’t written a “Where I’m at from A-Z” blog in a long time. Since my followers seem to enjoy it and I have fun doing it, it’s on! I’m stressed out and feeling a bit out of control about all those things I can’t make happen exactly when I want them to, so we’ll…

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Happy release day (times 5)!

Happy Publication Day to me! With one click (times five), my sassy and humorous romantic comedies with an edge can now be downloaded to your e-reader. If you prefer print copies, don’t despair as all the books are also available in paperback AND hard cover! Even if you read the previous versions of these books,…

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