Sharing is caring…and could earn you $75 in Amazon gift cards

Hi there, This post is different from my usual blogs because I’m not announcing a new book, revealing a cover, or sharing some personal anecdote about my life—stayed tuned for that post because it’s coming! Today, I’m asking a favor. I’m requesting your help spreading the love for my Blogger Girl romantic comedy series. Here’s the…

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Bridal Girl is up for pre-order!

Hi there, My big news this week is that my eighth romantic comedy novel and the third book in my Blogger Girl series, Bridal Girl, is up for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo!  (Publication date is April 24th.) What’s it about? Warning: exposure to the contents of this book while eating or drinking could cause…

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Happy Release Day to THE BOYFRIEND SWAP!

Today is the day—a big day—the release day for THE BOYFRIEND SWAP! If you subscribe to both my blog and my newsletter, you already know that, but exciting news should always be shared twice! Haven’t ordered it yet? You can do it here: Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo iBooks From Publishers Weekly: “Schorr mixes and…

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Kim vs. the Mean Girl: blurb

“Even when Hannah acts like a she-devil, she manages to come out looking like Maria from The Sound of Music.” – Kim Long “Kim Long without a story to read was like a dog without its chew toy.” – Hannah Marshak As many of you know, I planned to release Kim vs. the Mean Girl,…

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Happy release day (times 5)!

Happy Publication Day to me! With one click (times five), my sassy and humorous romantic comedies with an edge can now be downloaded to your e-reader. If you prefer print copies, don’t despair as all the books are also available in paperback AND hard cover! Even if you read the previous versions of these books,…

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Release days, free days, sale days: Oh My!

Today is a big day. Huge. COLOSSAL. It’s the release day of my fifth novel, Novelista Girl. The standalone sequel to my fan favorite third novel, Blogger Girl. Readers first met sassy Kimberly Long in Blogger Girl, and now the feisty New Yorker is back in a sequel packed with quick wit, friendship, heartache, and…

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Happy Publication Day to How Do You Know?

It’s finally arrived! Today is the official release day of my fourth novel, How Do You Know? Although I love all of my book babies equally, this book is especially close to me as its themes are extremely relevant to where I am in life. I believe the book will resonate with so many women—single,…

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The Cat is out of the Bag – title/blurb/cover reveal

The time has finally arrived for me to share the title, cover, and blurb for my fourth novel and I couldn’t be more excited. Title: How Do You Know? Genre: Women’s Fiction—- This is the first book in my new series: Seeking Happily Ever After. Each novel will feature a different character and stand on…

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