Weekly (er, Monthly) update

Remember that blog post I wrote a couple months back where I promised to blog much more often? Yes, that one. You’ve probably realized by now that I lied. I really tried, but time (and life) got away from me and a weekly blog post slipped through my fingers like sand from the beach vacation I haven’t…

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Reading for research

Until recently, I thought of reading as strictly for entertainment value. I’m a self-proclaimed book nerd. I love getting lost in stories, and use every available moment, even while on a street corner waiting to meet a friend, to power up my Kindle. I read on the subway, in line at the grocery store, while…

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where I’m at from A-Z (2/2017 version)

I haven’t written a “Where I’m at from A-Z” blog in a long time. Since my followers seem to enjoy it and I have fun doing it, it’s on! I’m stressed out and feeling a bit out of control about all those things I can’t make happen exactly when I want them to, so we’ll…

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