Posts Tagged ‘Just Friends with Benefits’
guest blogger – my mom!
It’s been a crazy week for me between the day job and getting ready for the launch of Blogger Girl. When I told my mom that I didn’t have time to write a blog post this week, she offered to step in as a guest blogger. I had no idea what to expect but figured…
Read MoreUpdates
Hi everyone! I’ve been falling a bit off of my weekly blog schedule due to time constraints but thankfully not by too much. The past week has been craaaazzy!! First of all, do you remember when I told you that after my first mammogram, I was called back because the images were unclear? I was…
Read Moreoverbooked
The overwhelming theme of my week is “overbooked.” I am overbooked in almost every possible way right now and not in a good way, like “I’ve been asked out by so many gorgeous guys, I can’t find enough days in the week to accommodate them.” And not, “I have so many book signings and appearances…
Read Morelikeable “unlikeable characters” in chick lit starring Jane Frank & Giveaway
The winner has been chosen – congratulations to SusieQ – you have won an ecopy of my first novel, Just Friends with Benefits! Thanks for playing all “Somehow, rather quickly Jane became that friend who you love, but drives you crazy along the way.” Jane Frank, the main character in my novel, A…
Daydream Believer
I have the day off from work today*. I woke up at 9am, spent over an hour at the gym, showered, ran some errands, picked up lunch, started laundry while eating lunch and when I remove my laundry from the dryer, I am going to go to a coffee shop and do some writing. I…
Read MoreThoughts from the Road
As I write this post, I sit at gate C12 in Laguardia Airport waiting for my flight to board. I am going to Chicago. I am meeting my boyfriend there and we are staying with his sister and her husband for one night before driving to Michigan tomorrow. While in Michigan, we will celebrate Christmas…
Read MoreBlog Vows!
My new website was born this weekend and this is my first post on my new blog! As this is a new beginning for me, I have decided to write some vows that I will try very hard to uphold with respect to my postings: I vow to be sufficiently active on this…
Read Morerandom updates about me!
I haven’t blogged in a while about me. I’ve either had guest authors on my blog or talked about A State of Jane. I will never tire of talking about A State of Jane (well, not until book number 3 comes out at least) but today, I feel like talking about me. It’s my blog…
Read MoreGirly Book Blog Hop
Thank you Author Libby Mercer for letting me participate in The Girly Book Blog Hop! I am so happy to be here discussing secondary characters! All of the books I write feature one main character. As I write the book, I focus on her goals and the obstacles that stand in the way of her…
Read MoreMeet Jane Frank
I am gearing up for the release of my sophomore novel, A State of Jane on September 17th. I am extremely excited for you all to read it as I am very proud this book. That is not to say I didn’t feel immense pride two years ago when my first book, Just Friends…
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