book birthdays, book trailers, book publishing deals: Oh My!

My blogs for the last two months have been depressing, I know. That’s because I’ve been depressed. Sorry 🙁  Despite continuing to cope with sadness over losing my closest friend, there are some wonderful things happening on the book front. My friend would chastise me if I was too busy missing him to properly celebrate the positive…

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Administrative Professionals Day excerpt and giveaway!

Happy Administrative Professionals Day to all the lovely Administrative Professionals! I hope your bosses buy you flowers, take you out to lunch, or both because you deserve it! (Unless you do nothing all day except read at your desk, write blog posts, and peruse Facebook and Twitter.) Kim, the main character in my novel, Blogger Girl, is a…

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I can’t believe another year is ending. On a professional note, 2013 was a banner year for me. I published my third novel, Blogger Girl, in late August and, so far, readers have embraced it. My debut novel, Just Friends with Benefits, was re-released by Booktrope and, much to my surprise,…

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I am my characters

People often comment on how “real” my characters are and they ask me how I create such believable heroines. I suppose it is because most of my work is grounded in reality. My characters are not me but some of their struggles, particularly with men, come from my own struggles—even if I don’t realize it…

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Cover art – building a brand

It wasn’t too long ago that I worked with my amazing cover artist, Loretta Matson, on the cover of my newest release, Blogger Girl. I told Loretta that I wanted the cover to give off a fun “chick lit” vibe. The main character of the novel, Kimberly Long, is a loyal defender of chick lit…

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Blogger Girl/Just Friends With Benefits/General Updates

I hope everyone is enjoying what remains of the summer. I’m doing my best.  I’m incredibly excited about the release of my third novel, Blogger Girl on August 28th and thrilled with the reviews I’ve received so far – yay!!  Since my cover reveal only included the front cover, I thought it would be fun…

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