Posts Tagged ‘How Do You Know?’
Age is Just a Number Series: Author Hilary Grossman talks turning 25
Welcome Hilary Grossman, author of Dangled Carat, and my friend and fellow Booktrope author to my blog. Hilary compares how she imagined she would feel turning twenty-five with the reality of her feelings on that day. (PS: Happy Birthday, Hilary!!) It all started in September. I wasn’t able to put my finger on what was…
Read MoreAuthor Mary Rowen talks turning 50 as the Age is Just a Number blog series continues
Thank you, Mary Rowen, for joining the Age is Just a Number blog series. Mary is the author of Living by Ear and today she shares her thoughts on turning 50. Her comments regarding the randomness of life really does drive home the point that age isn’t everything. On Turning Fifty When I think of…
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I’m stoked to get the Age is Just a Number Blog series rolling. First up is Whitney Dineen. Whitney is the author of She Sins at Midnight. Her post shows that contrary to popular belief, sometimes life gets better as we get older. (Hooray!) The morning my mom turned thirty, she slammed back two martinis…
Read MoreKicking off the Age is Just a Number blog series
One thing all human beings have in common is the aging process, although some of us are more fortunate than others when it comes to how far the process takes us. As much as most of us hope to live a long, happy, healthy life, it is common to struggle with getting older and the…
Read MoreThe Cat is out of the Bag – title/blurb/cover reveal
The time has finally arrived for me to share the title, cover, and blurb for my fourth novel and I couldn’t be more excited. Title: How Do You Know? Genre: Women’s Fiction—- This is the first book in my new series: Seeking Happily Ever After. Each novel will feature a different character and stand on…
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