Meredith’s TV Guide – 12/11-12/17

I’m here with this week’s installment of Meredith’s TV Guide. I, shockingly, didn’t want much television this week because I was out several nights. I do have a life you know! But here’s my recap. To save time and space, I’m only going to mention the shows where I have detailed opinions based on my…

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Meredith’s TV Guide – 11/27-12/4

Welcome to week two of my weekly tv guide! There will be some repeats from last week because I’m still watching some of the same shows, but I’ve added a few new ones to my rotation as well as a couple of movies. Downton Abbey: A New Era (Prime): I was so excited when I…

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Meredith’s TV Guide – Episode 1

It’s no secret that I’m addicted to television. It’s even in my author bio. I like to say that if it’s been on television, I’ve probably watched it! I could dish about tv ALL DAY (spoken, obviously, in the voice of Schmidt from New Girl.) I typically post my random musings on Twitter but since…

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