Cat Lavoie celebrates chick lit!

I’m so excited to welcome Cat Lavoie, one of my favorite “new-school” chick lit authors, to the Celebration of Chick Lit Tour. I say “new-school” because there are so many emerging authors on the chick lit scene who I wish got more attention and Cat, my fellow readers, is one of them. She’s fabulous. Please…

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Kickoff to the Celebration of Chick Lit Tour and Cover Reveal!

As the release of my fifth novel draws near, Iā€™m gearing up for the Celebration of Chick Lit Tour happening right here on Iā€™ve invited authors of my favorite genre onto my blog to talk about why they read and write chick lit despite the naysayers and the folks who (wrongly) insist that ā€œchick…

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