Posts Tagged ‘Booktrope’
Why I love constructive criticism?
Criticism is most often thought of as a negative. Who wants to hear that their outfit is unflattering, their singing voice is out of tune, they lack rhythm when they dance, are a horrible kisser—that in sum, they suck? As a person, I much prefer compliments to insults, and I really don’t like when…
Read MoreRelease days, free days, sale days: Oh My!
Today is a big day. Huge. COLOSSAL. It’s the release day of my fifth novel, Novelista Girl. The standalone sequel to my fan favorite third novel, Blogger Girl. Readers first met sassy Kimberly Long in Blogger Girl, and now the feisty New Yorker is back in a sequel packed with quick wit, friendship, heartache, and…
Read MoreWhy does author Laura Kilmartin write chick lit? Find out here!
Thank you, Laura Kilmartin, for taking over my blog today and telling us why you love chick lit. I agree wholeheartedly with your definition of chick lit, and I found your post as interesting and engaging to read as your delightful first novel, Next Year I’ll Be Perfect. I am anxiously awaiting book 2!! …
Read MoreWelcome Laura Donohue to the Celebration of Chick Lit Tour!
I’m excited to welcome author Laura Donoahue to the Celebration of Chick Lit to tell us why she loves chick lit. Sing it, Sister! (And PS, I have “First Sight” on my Kindle waiting to read ) Why I Love Chick Lit One of the reasons I love reading is for the escape! …
Kickoff to the Celebration of Chick Lit Tour and Cover Reveal!
As the release of my fifth novel draws near, I’m gearing up for the Celebration of Chick Lit Tour happening right here on I’ve invited authors of my favorite genre onto my blog to talk about why they read and write chick lit despite the naysayers and the folks who (wrongly) insist that “chick…
Read Moredon’t sweat the small stuff (or at least try)
When really bad, like tragic things happen, I often feel petty and more than a little guilty when I complain (even to myself) about what could be seen as minutiae in comparison. I remember when my late best friend was in the midst of chemotherapy and waiting every day for news on whether his blood…
Read MoreMove over Sephora, we’re talking book makeovers!
Every once in a while, I need to shake things up. For instance, I’ll switch up my pink lipstick for red, wear high heel boots instead of ballet flats, or even cut bangs. One time, I actually dyed my hair blonde. It wasn’t the result I had hoped for, but it was certainly a change.…
Read Morecelebration of chick lit tour
I’ve been a very bad blogger. Someone should spank me—please? JUST KIDDING! That’s a shout-out to a private joke between me and my late boss/BFF, who would have turned 58 today. Anyway, I’ve been extremely busy gearing up to release my fifth novel, Novelista Girl. We have a blurb and cover (both to be…
Read MoreReal Chick Lit for…Young Adults?
Now that I’ve completed the heavy lifting with respect to my upcoming novel, Novelista Girl, I can take a break from writing. Right? Wrong! I’ve already begun my next project—a prequel to the Blogger Girl and Novelista Girl series. I took a slight genre leap when I wrote How Do You Know? as it was…
Read MoreCover and blurb reveal for PLAN BEA by Hilary Grossman
I’m thrilled to welcome my friend and fellow Booktrope author, Hilary Grossman, to my blog today to reveal the cover and blurb of her soon-to-be released women’s fiction novel, Plan Bea. I’ve been waiting impatiently for this book for a long time and the wait is finally almost over. Blurb How well do you really…
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