Public Speaking – Gah!
I like having my voice heard when I speak. It bothers me when I feel ignored or when the company I keep pay half-assed attention to what I’m saying while looking over my shoulders at what is going on behind me or taking what they think are furtive glances at their phones. I enjoy holding a captive audience of one or two or three, whether on a date or out with friends—when it is my turn to speak, of course, as a balance of give and take makes for the best conversations.
I’m not opposed to speaking. I’m quite skilled at it, in fact. I don’t, however, enjoy public speaking—as in getting up in front of a crowd of people. At All.
Sometimes I still can’t believe that at the age of thirteen, I stood on a stage in front of upwards of fifty people and, not only spoke, but sang. Not only did I sing, but it was in Hebrew!! I totally did it for the gifts and the party, but still…If asked to do that today, no way. No effin’ way!! Even that day, I vividly recall my sisters and me unable to contain our laughter when called upon to lead the congregation in “Adon Olam.” I suppose we were cute in our own way, but I doubt it was what the rabbi, cantor, or my mother had in mind.
In order to graduate high school with a Regents diploma, I had to take a semester of Public Speaking. The class consisted of giving a series of oral reports on various topics in front of the classroom. The only ones I remember are “pet peeves” (mine was people who make too much noise when they eat); interview (we were paired with another classmate to role-play the interview process); and a demonstration. For my demonstration, I taught the class how to carve a pumpkin. Only my hands shook so badly, my friend Eric had to do the actual carving. A nervous girl should not be armed with a knife…I received an A- in the class. The writing was consistently spot-on, but my performance left something to be desired. Specifically, the teacher complained that I spoke too quickly. I was trying to get it over with!
But the most memorable public speaking experience for me was in ninth grade when we had to describe some aspect of geography in 3D. I don’t remember much about my actual report, except that I *attempted* to create a globe out of clay. I stood in front of the class and read my oral report. At the end, relieved to have it behind me, I asked the class the required question, “Any questions?” One hand flew up—Dante Golio. With a straight face, Dante said, “Can you repeat that?” apparently referring to the speed with which I spoke. The entire class, including my teacher Mr. Sherman, broke out into hysterics. Mortified and feeling betrayed by my teacher, I ran out of the class and directly to the girls’ bathroom where I sobbed. I’ve never fully recovered.
I write all of this to tell you that on the evening of Thursday, February 12th, I will be doing my first reading at Barnes & Noble in Manhasset (Long Island), along with fellow Booktrope authors Hilary Grossman and Jennifer Gracen. I’ve done my share of book signings and author-related cocktail parties, but this is my virgin “reading” and, yes, I’m quite nervous about it. Excited for sure, but anxious. What if I read too quickly? It’s always been my cross to bear. What if I suddenly lose my ability to read at all and the words just blur into strange characters on the page before me? What I trip on my way to the podium? These questions and more will be answered in a little over a fortnight, along with a three-four page monologue of How Do You Know?.
I will be sure to report back, but if you’re in the area, please stop by to support me (or take pleasure in my discomfort).
you are going to do amazing. and if anyone is checking their phone instead of listening to you I will kick their ass!
I’m so glad I have you in my corner, Hilary!! It’s going to be so much fun
Best of luck! At least this is something you can practice in advance and hopefully you’ll know the words pretty well
Plus, a B&N event is wonderful – hope you get a great group.
Thank you, Pauline! I’ve been practicing almost every night before I go to bed
It’s going to be great! HAVE FUN.Take lots of photos. Wish I could be there.
Thank you, Julie! I wish you could be there too.
OMG! Meredith, you’ve expressed everything that I’m wondering about myself when that day comes! My book “Running in Heels – A Memoir of Grit and Grace” launces on Feb. 24th – next month! Pre-orders are rolling in now! I may can write but speaking has never been my comfort zone, let alone to a crowd! God bless you on your day – may He be your mouthpiece
P.S. Any pointers, send them my way
Hi Mary! Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t like to hear herself speak…I will be back with an update after the event. Congratulations and best of luck on the launch of your new book
I marked my calendar for this event – and it’s happening right now! I know you’re enjoying yourself, I know you’ll go out to celebrate. Sure wish I could be there to shoot another video of you giggling – thinking of you in spirit. xxoo