where I’m at from A-Z (2/2017 version)
I haven’t written a “Where I’m at from A-Z” blog in a long time. Since my followers seem to enjoy it and I have fun doing it, it’s on! I’m stressed out and feeling a bit out of control about all those things I can’t make happen exactly when I want them to, so we’ll see if these emotions are reflected in my A-Z:
Anxiously awaiting returned emails from several parties, all writing and marketing related.
Busy at my day job and not happy about it. (Although it’s what pays the bills.) I’m on my lunch hour if you’re wondering what I’m doing writing a blog if I’m so busy at work…
Cautiously optimistic about the status of my current work-in-progress. It’s the third book in my Blogger Girl series and the pressure is on to make it as entertaining as the first two. It’s only forty-one pages so far, but you can’t get to page three hundred without first passing page forty-one.
Desperately in need of a cocktail. Thank God tomorrow is Friday.
Enjoying The Perfect Match by Kristan Higgins. It’s the second book in her Blue Heron series and it’s inspiring me to dig deeper in my own writing to bring on the funny and the conflict.
Finding it hard to summon the patience to build a new audience for my chick lit collection. I love my old audience, but unfortunately, I can’t force them to buy the new editions of the books. (Can I?)
Grateful to my fellow Henery Press authors for being so supportive and helpful.
Happy the Amazon reviews for four of my five books merged and hoping the last one will follow soon.
Interested in possibly teaching a class in writing chick lit. They used to offer them at Media Bistro and when things calm down, I’m going to look into it.
Jane! I worked so hard on the revisions of A State of Jane and am so happy with the changes. Some new reviews are in from folks who got the book on Netgalley and they love it too!
Kim vs. The Mean Girl, the young adult prequel to the Blogger Girl series, will be released in April and I’m so excited to share it with you.
Loving the second half of this season of The Walking Dead. I hated seeing Rick and the gang so defeated. I can’t wait until they take down Negan.
Missing my eight-month-old twin nieces, Sammie and Maddie, something fierce. I met them for only the second time last weekend, but I love them so much. I can’t wait to see them again in June for their first birthday.
Not entirely sure this blog post is working for me…
Oh, crap. My lunch hour is over.
Prosecco. I’ll be drinking lots of my favorite bubbly beverage tomorrow night. Tomorrow is Friday, right?
Quantico. I gave up earlier this season. It was too confusing for me and everyone was ridiculously pretty even when they were in the midst of combat. It annoyed me.
Rankings of my novels are not good right now. I know it’s because the books are new and I’m building an entirely new audience from the ground up, but it’s so frustrating. See F above regarding my lack of patience.
Single living is getting old. Does anyone know any eligible men for me? Preferably 38-50 and kind, funny, and good looking (at least to me). Creative is a plus.
The. The title of my next romantic comedy novel from Henery Press (releasing in November) starts with “The” but that’s all the scoop you’re getting from me until at least this summer.
Ugly cried. That’s what I did last night when I watched This is Us.
Virtually drawing a blank for this letter, but not entirely because I came up with “virtually.”
Wine. Wine. Wine. Wine.
Xerox machine. I almost killed the one at my office today. I shook the part of the machine where you enter a billing number and spewed out a string of curse words. I was very irritated with its failure to perform properly and having a moment. I’m not proud of it, but I’m positive it will happen again.
Yellow plays strongly into the cover of Kim vs. The Mean Girl. I’ve never had a yellow cover before and I love it. It’s still being tweaked, but will be revealed in March.
Zee End! (I’ve used that before, I know. It’s my thing.)
This was really fun! And I’m sure it must be daunting to try and build a new audience. I actually am planning on buying a copy of Just Friends With Benefits though when the budget allows! I’m so curious and excited to read the new edition and add it to my shelves.
Thanks, Stephanie! I hope you’ll enjoy it when you get to it. You were one of the first readers of the old version
You are the best!
Tied with you, my friend!
Love your humor. Enjoy that wine and have a great weekend!!
Thanks, Carol. I hope you have a great weekend too
And Henery Press authors are grateful you’re roosting in the Hen House!
That means a lot to me.
This book State of Jane, sounds like a person I know. And I bet Jane isn’t the only one , although she probably thinks so.. Sounds like a very interesting read..
Jane is definitely an interesting person – she was oodles of fun to write
THis is a fun idea. Thanks for sharing. We’re with you.
Thank you!