California Dreamin’

In case you’ve been under a rock, trapped beneath a dresser, or in a coma, those of us on the east coast are in the midst of Blizzard Jonah, Blizzard 2016, Snowzilla—whatever you want to call it—it’s snowing out there.


My Saturday morning spin class was canceled, as were my lunch plans with a friend, and so I am in a Mother-Nature-imposed but not unwelcome hibernation right now. I finished watching the first episode of Shades of Blue and am turning off the television to write this blog as I haven’t posted one since the day Novelista Girl was released a couple of weeks ago.

This time last week, I was in California with some of my favorite author friends/soul sisters for the third annual Beach Babes weekend. The weather wasn’t great, but it didn’t matter. We go there for the comradery and break from real-life, not for the weather. (Although if I’m being honest, sitting on the back porch, walks along the beach, and jogs up the mountain do go better with a sunny, cool breeze than rain, wind, and fog.)


That being said, I cherish this week away with my fellow beach babes: Eileen Goudge, Josie Brown, Francine LaSala, Samantha Stroh Bailey, Jen Tucker, and Julie Valerie so much. We all write different genres, have very distinct voices, and are at varying levels of experience in our careers and yet we all manage to learn from each other.  We are so very distinct and believe it is our diversity that makes us work so well as a group. I can’t imagine most random groups of seven women thrown together in a house for five days would get along as well as we do. Seriously, have you watched The Bachelor? Granted, we are not all competing for the same guy, but the beauty is we’re not competing at all. I wish for their success with the same ferocity I wish for my own, and I know the feeling is mutual. And, gosh, I think I might cry right now because I miss them so much. We are already counting down the days until next year when we will meet for the fourth annual Beach Babes weekend, and one of them already pointed out that because it’s Leap Year, we’ll have to wait an extra day—darn you, Julie Valerie for actually being good at math!!


Besides benefiting my writing skills (and I’m positive that the input, honesty, and talent of these ladies is an asset), better ways to promote, and the ups and downs of securing the dream agent and the big New York City publishing deal versus small-press publishing or self-publishing, these are some of the things I learned in California

Making poached eggs is not as difficult as I thought.


Great things are in my future as I long as I stop thinking so much.


My friends are quick to jump to my rescue and stop me from acting impulsively when an outsider stabs me in the back.


Eileen was right: throwing fancy clothes in my suit case “just in case” was not necessary.


One very small person can pee A LOT in the course of a day.

Sitting in the back seat of a mini-van is very conducive to car sickness.

Two cups of coffee is all it takes to hang with folks who insist on waking up at an obscenely early hour in the morning despite downing several bottles of wine the night before.

Seth Rogan was robbed of an Oscar nomination for his role in Steve Jobs.

“Ride Like The Wind” by Christopher Cross with nice background vocals by Michael McDonald is a great distraction from fearing death by insane turbulence.

And my favorite of all:

My friends love me just the way I am and I love them right back.



  1. Love All The Books on January 23, 2016 at 3:23 pm

    Stay Safe during the Blizzard!! 🙂

  2. Julie Valerie @Julie_Valerie on January 23, 2016 at 5:35 pm

    Oh my gosh, Meri! I love, love, love this post!!! What a perfect wrap to our amazing time together.

    But you forgot one thing . . . Wise advice I heard a certain someone say:

    “Don’t do anything stupid.”


    • meredithgschorr on January 23, 2016 at 5:38 pm

      Ha! How could I forget that – it’s pretty important advice if Beach Babes 4 is ever to see the light of day!

  3. Author Provocateur (@JosieBrownCA) on January 24, 2016 at 2:23 pm

    Beautifully put! Totally had a blast! It has become a highlight of my year. You are my soul sister, sweet Meri!

  4. Samantha Stroh Bailey on January 25, 2016 at 10:24 am

    Incredible post, and I miss my roomie so much! I miss everyone. It was such an inspiring, hilarious, energizing trip, and I love you!

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