Halloween Blog Hop – free book inside!
Happy Halloween! (I’m posting a day early so I don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow )
In honor of this spooky (and fattening) holiday. I am taking part in a fun Halloween Book Hop. Over 130 authors from many different genres and publishers are taking part, and every one is offering either a “trick” or a “treat” to people who visit their Facebook page.
Because I’m more of a “treat” than “trick” kind of gal, I’m giving out ecopies (compatible with Kindle, Nook, Kobo etc) of my fan-favorite chick lit/romantic comedy Blogger Girl to everyone who likes my Facebook author page and follows my blog. If you aren’t on Facebook, no worries, just follow my blog (upper right corner of screen when viewing on website) and if you already follow my blog, just leave a comment below if you want a copy and I will send over the link for you to access your gift.
Although this is the last day of the event, you can still check out the entire blog hop and visit ALL the sites to claim your tricks and tricks. My gift will be good until Thanksgiving eve (November 25th). Here is a link to the event.
Have fun, stay safe, and happy Halloween!
What an awesome treat!
Thank you – I think so, too
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#Free book by one of my favorite authors! @meredithschorr What an awesome #treat