Blog Roll – My Writing Process
I’ve been tagged by Samantha Stroh Bailey, author of the fabulously fun novel, Finding Lucas, co-founder of the equally fun and fabulous BookBuzz author/reader mix and mingle, and one of my closest friends and confidants to participate in the Blog Roll – Writing Process. In the post below, I have answered questions regarding my writing process and at the end of the post, I have tagged three authors to answer the questions too and tag three more authors and so on and so on and so on.
Question: What am I working on?
I currently have two works-in-progress. The first is almost ready for submission to my publisher and is about a thirty-nine year old woman who is struggling with the impending end of her thirties having not reached life milestones like marriage and children typically reached at an earlier age. I hope my publisher, Booktrope, will release this novel in late 2014. The second is a sequel to my third novel, Blogger Girl. It is twenty-nine pages and counting!
Question: How does my work differ from others of its genre?
My books are inspired by real life and the characters I create are, sorry to possibly overuse this word but “real.” They do not have dream jobs, closets full of designer clothes, regular invitations to hot restaurant openings and parties, and boyfriends with perfectly chiseled bodies. But they are not typically underdogs either. They have a lot going for them. They are intelligent, attractive, down-to-earth women who struggle with (here comes that word again) “real” problems. They do not always act with the best judgment and are often misguided. They feel emotions that women typically do not like to admit experiencing, like insecurity, jealousy, bitterness etc. and, yes, sometimes they drink too much. Some readers have complained that my characters can be whiny and insecure at times but others (most people) applaud them for letting their “flaw flag” fly. Show me a woman who has never whined or experienced insecurity and I’ll flash you my boobs. Seriously! I dare you.
Question: Why do I write what I do?
I write real women’s fiction with humor because it comes naturally to me, probably because I’m a real woman who happens to be quite funny. I’ve made many mistakes myself and I want to speak for women like me to let them know they are not alone. Life can be very challenging sometimes, but even in the most trying of times, someone will make a joke, spill something, trip on the sidewalk etc. Laughter lightens even the darkest moods, even if only temporarily.
Question: How does my writing process work?
I work a full time job and I must make an effort to carve out time each week for writing. Whenever I do not have plans after work, I go straight to my favorite writing place—The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf—where I write for a couple of hours. Additionally, I use most of my lunch hours to do some light writing, like blog posts. I also try to spend at least one afternoon of every weekend writing. So far, this routine has enabled me to release approximately one novel a year.
Question: And the other part of this question, how does my writing process not work?
What doesn’t work is comparing myself to authors who write more quickly and release multiple books a year. Some of these authors do not work full time jobs, but some of them do and yet manage to write more quickly. That is them and this is me and it’s okay. I try to keep my life as balanced as possible, which means having a social life, an on-again/off-again love life (the “off” part is not by choice), working out, and simply zoning out in front of the television. Messing with the balance I strive so hard to maintain does not work for me.
Who’s next?
I am tagging the following wonderful authors below:
Mary Rowan, author of Leaving the Beach, a gritty story about illusion, reality, and the odd ways that music can blur the lines between the two.
Patricia Mann, author of compelling and thought provoking Is This All There Is. Quote from one reader, “This book, quite simply, was stunning.”
Sheryn MacMunn –bestselling author of Finding Out, a story of love found and lost, true friendship, and how the human spirit endures.
I love your honesty, Meredith. I say use the word “real” all you like! Real characters who live real lives and have real problems are the most interesting to me. Wish I knew a non-whining, insecurity free woman so I could take you up on the boob flash offer, but of course I don’t! 😉 Thanks for tagging me, it’s truly an honor!
Thanks Patricia! I was pretty certain I would win that dare or else I might not be so bold 🙂 I look forward to reading your post!
Reblogged this on A.R. Rivera Books and commented:
The process of every writer is so different and since I am always interested in finding out the many ways that others in my chosen profession work, I’m reblogging!
Read On…
Thanks so much for reblogging!
Any time!!
I’ve only read “Blogger Girl” (so far!), but I would definitely agree that she was a real character. I don’t know if you remember my review (, but I definitely related to her, for having a mediocre job that I was afraid of moving from to focus on my own writing, having the high school enemy who really wasn’t as horrible anymore, etc. I now really need to check out your other books. 🙂
I do remember that review and was happy you related so well to Kim. I hope if you check out my other books you will enjoy them as well. Thank you!
Just reading this now, Meredith! Great stuff! And thank you for tagging me!
My pleasure – I look forward to reading about your writing process 🙂