Blogger Girl/Just Friends With Benefits/General Updates
I hope everyone is enjoying what remains of the summer. I’m doing my best. I’m incredibly excited about the release of my third novel, Blogger Girl on August 28th and thrilled with the reviews I’ve received so far – yay!! Since my cover reveal only included the front cover, I thought it would be fun to show you guys the entire cover since I’m sure most of you, with the exception of my close friends and family, will buy the book in eformat and you won’t have access to the back.
In other exciting news, you might have noticed that my debut novel, Just Friends With Benefits is currently unavailable for purchase. This is because I have taken back rights to the novel from my original publisher and will be signing a new contract with Booktrope (the publisher of A State of Jane and Blogger Girl), effective September 1st. I will be forever thankful to Wings ePress for offering me my first publishing contract for Just Friends With Benefits and for doing such an amazing job with the book but I feel very at home with Booktrope and think having all three of my novels with one publisher is the best thing for my career. I also assume that Just Friends With Benefits, the oldest of my three “children” might be feeling a bit left out and jealous of the attention bestowed upon A State of Jane and Blogger Girl and so I’m sure she’ll appreciate the makeover Booktrope is giving her in the nature of a new cover and some editorial tweaking. For those of you have already read the book, nothing substantial will be changed about the story. I have just improved as an author since writing that book and felt the need to make minor and likely not too noticeable changes. But the most exciting news? The price of the ebook will be substantially reduced so those of you who have been waiting to buy it or have it on your “wish list” will be able to purchase it at a fraction of the original price – woot woot!
On a personal note, it’s been a tough week for me. Actually it’s been a tough summer. I am so happy that I have my books to distract me from real life sometimes, you have no idea. My wallet was stolen on Monday night and I did not see it happening. In fact, I didn’t even notice it until Tuesday morning when I went to grab my metrocard to get on the subway and saw that my wallet was missing from my pocketbook. After calling up all of the credit card companies, I learned that the “perp” made charges on two of them. My bank became suspicious pretty quickly and put a hold on the card but there were multiple charges made to my credit card. I reported all of my cards as stolen and filed a police report. I’ve been a victim of identity theft before and really do not wish that sort of hell on anyone. Although I could have ordered a new non-driver i.d. online, I read that if you filed a police report and brought a copy of the report to the DMV, the replacement fee would be waived. Well, stupid me did not read the fine print that said the replacement fee would only be waived for a driver’s license but not a non-driver i.d. Why that is the case is beyond me and seems like prejudice against non-drivers. So, my wallet being stolen is less traumatic because I’m not a driver? What kind of ridiculousness is that? It’s not the $8 replacement fee that bothers me, it’s the principle. At least the detective I spoke with was really cute. Hey, you gotta look at the bright side sometimes…
I received some good news about a dear friend this week that made me giddy with happiness for about five minutes before I learned there was “but”. Why is there always a “but”? I can’t go into details because I promised my friend that I would not discuss him via social networking but here is some unsolicited advice – don’t take anything for granted in this world because the one thing in your life you have come to rely on as consistent and reliable can change in an instant and sometimes (too often) bad things happen to really amazing people.
On a happier note, I spent a few days in Kentucky a couple of weeks ago with my friend Jenny. We did practically nothing all week besides catch up and watch television but, honestly, it was exactly what I needed. Thank you to Jenny for your generosity. (She wouldn’t let me spend a dime and so between flying using her frequent flyer numbers, staying in her house and not allowing me to pay for any meals aside from lunch at a burger joint, I spent $11 the entire time.) I also got to share a bed with Josie, the cutest Jack Russel Terrier ever. And I left with a crazy addiction to Naked and Afraid, Catfish and Ray Donovan.
Speaking of friends, I am looking forward to seeing my forever friend, Ronni, this weekend. I have literally known her “forever”…(
Okay, I will leave you with that. And this: ten days until the official release of Blogger Girl!
Ugh, that stinks about your wallet!
I can’t wait to see you this weekend too!
That is so horrible about your wallet,but way to look at the bright side and a cute officer.
I hope you and he get a chance to interact again.
How addicting is Catfish? Geez, I was flipping channels one day, saw a meltdown fight going on and three hours later, was flipping to see when more Catfish would be on. Sick people in this world!
Ack. That’s so crappy about your wallet! I’m glad you had a good time chilling with your friend though. Sometimes that really is exactly what you need. I’m going to start Blogger Girl soon – I can’t wait! Whee! *hugs*
I can’t wait to see the new Just Friends With Benefits! I think it will be great for you to have all the books with one publisher.
Can’t wait to read Blogger Girl.
Stinks sooooo bad that your wallet was taken. Really, truly. But maybe this incident will inspire Book #4? (I’m very serious.)
Beautiful young novelist has her wallet stolen – in walks Mr. Handsome Detective. A book filled with mystery and intrigue when (against the wishes of Mr. Hottie) the brilliant young novelists goes in search of the person who stole her identity – only to find out that —
Read Meredith Schorr’s fourth novel, __________, releasing Summer 2014.