Novelista Girl

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Published by: Henery Press
Release Date: February 14, 2017
Pages: 274
ISBN13: 978-1635111644



Feisty New Yorker Kimberly Long runs the most popular chick lit book blog on the web, loves playing house with her sexy lawyer boyfriend, Nicholas, and is finally pursuing her lifelong dream of becoming a published author.

At first glance, her life is worthy of five pink champagne flutes. But is there more to the story than meets the eye?

After hearing the phrase “chick lit is dead” more times than she’s read The Devil Wears Prada, Kim is driven to desperate measures, seeking advice from up-and-coming chick lit author, Hannah Marshak, her high school nemesis and resident “mean girl.”

As if Kim doesn’t have enough on her plate balancing her secretarial duties with her blog, Pastel is the New Black, shrugging off the growing pile of agent rejections, and keeping her best friend from turning green over Kim’s budding friendship with Hannah, Nicholas is so blinded by his career ambitions, he doesn’t see that their home sweet home could use more than a dash of sugar.

This is the year when all of Kim’s dreams—professional and romantic—are supposed to come true, but will her story have a happily ever after or will Kim end up unpublished and all alone?

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 “The characters felt so real that they practically jumped off the pages”
 –Melissa, Chick Lit Central

 “The story will have you crying tears of sadness when you fear it may be coming to an end!”
 Bethany, One Book At a Time

 “I love the relationship dynamics that Meredith builds into her characters. There’s nothing manufactured about these people; they’re not chick-lit stereotypes, they’re much more real.”
 Kelly, Crib Notes Blog

“Meredith Schorr once again knocked it out of the park.”
 Heather, Blonde…Undercover Blonde.

“This one is sassy, hot, sweet, and fun all rolled into one.”
 Claire, Coffeeholic Bookworm

“I gave this book 5* coffees – AKA – Hells to the yeah!”
 Aimee – Hello Chick Lit

“All of the problems that Kim had to face made it that much better.”
 Pam – Moonlight Reader

“I laughed. I almost cried. I smiled. And I *SQUEEEEEE*d quite a few times.”
 Chrissy, Every Free Chance Books

“Absolutely brilliant chick lit, I couldn’t put it down, and I highly, highly recommend.”
 Samantha, Chick Lit Plus

“Impossible to put down, has the perfect blend of humor, and is such an amazing sequel to Blogger Girl.”
 Marlene, Book Mama Blog

“A must-read for anyone looking for a fun, easily, relatable, chick lit story.”
 Charlotte Lynn, A Soccer Mom’s Book Blog

“This is chick lit at its finest”
Lindsey, Lindsey’s Library

“Congrats and thank you to Meredith for publishing another one of my favourite chick lit books!”
 Kaley, Books etc.